Make every day special whenever and wherever
you are
Turn your everyday life into trendy and creative stories!
Utilize the various templates and editing tools offered by MOLDIV to easily create stunning results.
Turn your everyday life into trendy and creative
stories! Utilize the various templates
and editing tools offered by MOLDIV
to easily create stunning results.
Create epic videos easily and quickly.
We offer a variety of templates that
suit your videos.Create epic videos easily and quickly.
We offer a variety of templates that
suit your videos.# Life Style
Breathe life into your photos
with MOLDIV filters.
Common photos can be transformed into
studio-like atmospheric images.Breathe life into your photos with MOLDIV
filters. Common photos can be transformed
into studio-like atmospheric images.# Inspiration
MAGAZINEUse collages to arrange multiple photos
in sophisticated layouts.
Use the magazine feature to create
stylish designs.Use collages to arrange multiple photos in sophisticated layouts. Use the magazine feature to create stylish designs.
# Inspiration
ASSETSAdd good-looking texts and cute stickers
to create unique and charming photos.
Use the variety of frame designs
to embellish your photos.Add good-looking texts and cute stickers
to create unique and charming photos.
Use the variety of frame designs
to embellish your photos.# Layout
A Source Of Creative Power!
MOLDIV gives you the power to use your creative genius in an array of multiple choices. Making your own collages or if you really want to get creative use the magazine Mock ups already prepped in a variety of templates. All you need do is choose which Magazine style you wish to use then insert your photo’s. Creating your own stickers or using the ones MOLDIV offers can make your pictures look like a work of art. There are hundreds of ways to be Creative with MOLDIV, they don’t disappoint. I’ve been using this company for 4yrs. because they are Amazing never boring new surprises all the time. Truly a ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ company!
USA Journalpho -
Review...I just can’t say enough good things about this app - I use it constantly!!!
Plain & simple - I CANNOT SURVIVE WITHOUT THIS APP! I use it every day! LOVE IT!!!❤️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Seriously - I cannot survive without this app! I use it constantly and I’d be lost without it!🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 I’ve said it before but I’ll say it again I CANNOT LIVE WITHOUT THIS APP! It’s the BEST!🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 I use this app on a regular basis and absolutely LOVE it - all editing begins HERE!!!🥰👍🏼❤️ I use this app daily - and I’d be lost without it!!! The BEST!!!❤️🤗🥰
USA Bizzimom -
フル購入して使っています! こちらのアプリでガッツリ加工してから、チェキで出してプレゼントしたり、子どもの成長アルバム作ったりしています(*´ω`*)フレームもエフェクトもスタンプとかもたくさんあって、文字入れももちろんできて、コラージュもできるし、いろんなアプリ入れずこれ一本で使えて、パソコン用ソフトを購入するより安いし、大活躍です!
楽しい⁽⁽ଘ( ˊᵕˋ )ଓ⁾
素晴らしいアプリです🙌 大好きです❤️ 重宝してますよ〜☆٩(。•ω<。)وベリーグッド写真加工には、必ず使用させていただいてます。(✿´ ꒳ ` )♡
정말 최고예요
아이폰 사자마자 다운로드했던 앱인데 정말 훌륭합니다!! 너무 부드럽게 잘 사용되고 기능이 너무 다양해서 다양한 편집이 가능한 것 같아요. 진짜 만드신 개발자 분들 대단합니다! Good Good! 계속 잘 사용 하겠습니다. 감사합니다 ^_^ ! loving (하트)
KOR 루루루루팅팅 -
여러가지 편집 어플들을 사용해 보았는데 그 중에 제일 기능도 많고 디테일 한 것 같아서 좋아요. 스티커 종류도 많을 뿐더러 촌스럽지 않고 심플하고 예뻐요. 카메라에도 다양한 필터들을 활용할 수 있게 해 주어서 고르는 재미도 있어요. 사진 수정을 위한 편집 기능도 다양하고 손쉽게 할 수 있어서 하나의 사진으로도 여러가지 느낌이 나게 바꾸어서 여러장이 생겨 더 좋은 것 같아요. 왕추천이요!!!
KOR 수내내짱 -
CHN Yoby1221 -
Best app out there, hands down!
Great application with so many truly professional features. No need to pay for other apps. This one has pretty much all you need and more. Complete and easy to use and share. I’ve downloaded others but none have come close. This one has stuck with me for years and it still impresses me. Highly recommended! By far the most complete? Bar none
ESP Xarlsade -
Super App!
Die Anwendung ist wirklich intuitiv und es macht Spaß mit dieser App Karten, Poster oder Collagen zu gestalten. Ich habe mir noch ein paar zusätzliche Pakete gekauft, wie zum Beispiel die „Aufkleber“, so dass ich einfach noch mehr Möglichkeiten habe, meine Karten, etc. aufzupeppen. Zudem sind die Pakete auch nicht teuer. Von mir eine klare Empfehlung für diese App!
GER Pont du Gard -
Очень удобное и простое приложение. Пользуюсь им уже много лет. В течении этого времени периодически скачивала какие-то другие подобные программки, но всегда возвращалась к Moldiv👍🏼
RUS Olga.r -
Retoque perfecto
Está aplicación es de lo más útil, fácil de utilizar y hermosa para retocar tus fotos, no necesitas otra aplicación, MOLDIV tiene todo lo que necesitas y más. No cambiaria esta aplicación por nada. Se los recomiendo
COL Jacktit -
Really love this app - had it since 2015
Love it, I use it for a lot of different things. From e-cards to editing my photos - so many options and different looks to a single photo. Definitely recommend it if your creative. Still using it in 2021 for setting up digital photo albums in conjunction with other programs. Still using it in 2022 and hopefully 2023. Still using it in 2023!!
AUS Chutney1948